I have not been posting anything here for a while as I have a blog on Quora.com and also a page on Medium.com where I publish answers to questions about reincarnation, past lives, Soulmates, Guides, Twin Flames etc. I have thousands of answers and about 40000 followers to my Quora blog 'Past and Future Lives" - here is the link.
I had a wonderful session today with a young woman, visiting from up North. She has been in New Orleans before, and it always felt like home to her, she had strong sense of belonging, and a mix of bittersweet emotions here - both happy and sad, and was wondering if she might have a past life here. She got more than she bargained for - not just one, but 2 past lives in our fair city. Let's call her Anita (not a real name). Anita also wanted to know the reasons for her anxiety and figure out what she is supposed to do in life. I have permission of this client to publish the write up of this session, she might also write about it in her own blog in the future.
I warned her, that I would not send her to a past life in New Orleans right away, as I allow subconscious mind and Spirit Guides to choose the past lives they need to see, but we would eventually get into the issue - why she feels so connected to New Orleans, this would be after we see what she needs to see right away (usually traumatic lives or inspirational lives directly related to their current life situation.) But she went straight into a New Orleans past life in late 18th or early 19th century. When she "landed" in a past life, she was a young woman in her early 20s with red hair and light skin, wearing a beige dress, a choker and black gloves. She was on a cobblestone street lit by street lamps with natural fire. She felt very sad, but did not know why. I asked her to leave this scene and go all the way into a pleasant childhood scene in that life (it helps to ground a client in a past life and explore the life step by step from the childhood). In the childhood scene she was about 10 years old, drawing with chalk on the stone floor in the yard, with her younger brother. We went inside her home and explored it, she could see her room with metal beds, and a closet with many dresses, the view from the window was beautiful - she could see the river with many sailboats on the river. She said the river was going into the sea. We saw her family at a dinner table, her dad worked on boats, and mom stayed at home. They were well to do, but no servants, mom had to do all the housework by herself. Her parents called her "Petite" - I thought it might be a family nickname, but in future scenes she also went by that name. I took her to a scene related to education (old lady teaching her French and math) and to a big party with a lot of people. (I love taking my clients to parties, it helps to get pleasant memories from a past life, but also check out important people of their own age - friends and romantic interests, and sometimes recognize their energy as close friends and family in this life) Her party was a carnival ball, she and everybody else were wearing masks, there was a band, men smoked, it was outside. She still was not sure where it is, but i already felt it might be New Orleans (it was confirmed later by her Guide). She found a dark skin girl, working at this party, who was her close friend and a young man she had a crush on, but he was not paying attention to her in this scene. I send her to an important scene next - it was also a pleasant event, a wedding, where she was a guest. We did not understand first why it is important as it seemed like another fun party, and not her own wedding. But she felt like somebody is watching her - and it was the guy she had a crush on. They ended up getting drunk and sneaking out and kissing on the street...I asked her to go ahead in time and see what happened in this relationship? They were dating in secret, her parents did not know, but he got a job on a ship and left. She was waiting for him for 3 years, without getting any news. Finally she went to the house of her black girlfriend, there were a lot of pictures of symbols on the walls (Voodoo veves) and her friend gave her something to drink to get visions, and she saw her boyfriend dead in a dream, she knew now he will not come back. It took her another year to get over it, the initial scene was from that period. In the next important event she was giving money to a prison guard to allow her brother to escape. He robbed somebody and got caught. He escaped, and both of them went on a sailboat to the Islands, it was very hot there, beach and palm trees, lots of black people (later her Guide said it was in the Bahamas). They settled down in a nice house with a garden, her brother pocketed a lot of money from the robbery. He was sailing on boats doing something illegal (contraband?), she did not approve, but did not have a choice as he was taking care of everything financially and had a lot of money. She met a friend of his, also in this business, a creole with darker skin, and they moved in together and she had 2 children with him. They eventually got married. They were arguing a lot as she did not approve of his criminal occupation, he was working with her brother, both had to kill people in their trade. In the end - her husband stabbed her during the argument and killed her, he regretted this immediately, everybody was crying, kids were there, blood all over the place. Her spirit refused to leave right away, and stayed with the husband and kids for a while, trying to console them, but they could not hear her, so she left and went to a Place of Healing on a beautiful meadow with sunlight and flowers. I asked for Divine Healing and clearing all the pain and suffering from that life, leaving the experience and wisdom intact. She felt the presence of her Guide, who turned out to be her Grandmother in this life, and she was also her grandmother in Petite's life. The Guide helped her to make sense of that life, and to change her belief 'Love Hurts" she got in that life. The Guide said that she is her main Spirit Guide and will help her to get answers. I asked about her anxiety - and it was from a past life in Middle Ages in France, when she was burned as a witch. (she knew about that life as she had a past life regression before, but there was no healing in that previous session, so we did the healing for the carryovers from that life. I also asked the Guide about Anita's life purpose - and it is to be a healer, and help people with herbs and teas, and oils. She has done it before, and was shown a past life in early 20th century when she had a store, selling herbs and oils somewhere in the Northern USA, very happy and productive life. We brought her talents and skills into present life. She was also shown her future in this life 3 years from now, when she moves to New Orleans and opens a New Age shop with oils, herbs, books and crystals in a quiet part of town. (any future shown in sessions is just a possibility, a beneficial timeline which can become a reality if the client makes choices to go with it, it is not set in stone, more of an inspiration). The Grandmother also helped her to remove blockage on her psychic abilities and communication with Guides, as her blocked herself from any spiritual connections after being burned as a witch, this happens often with psychics and healers, and needs to be addressed in sessions. We got exact instructions from the Guide how to communicate with her any time she wants, as now she will be able to do it while awake, but will need some practice. After I was ready to close the session - Anita said - "there is somebody else here!". It turned out to be another past life personality who wanted to talk to her. It turned out this woman was a madam in a brothel in New Orleans, she was never a prostitute herself, but was working as a hostess, and saved enough money to open her own place. This was fun and happy life, and the woman wanted to tell Anita to be independent, strong, not pay attention to what others think and go for what she wants to achieve. As there was no traumatic events in this life, I let them hug and merge. We also went to some parties in that brothel to have a look at people, clothes, music of the red light district of the bygone era. I love having sessions with visitors and locals who remember New Orleans past lives! But any past life regression session is not just for 'time travel tourism", I try to allow my clients to get fun memories, see buildings, clothes, food, listen to music, but it is also therapy, and our main goal is to heal and help the client in the very best was possible, and allow them to connect with their past life skills and talents, and achieve the most beneficial future in this life. I often get questions about past lives dreams, so I wanted to write an article about this. Past life memories often bleed through into dreams. There are several qualities of past life dreams, which make them different from symbolic dreams. Most of our dreams are symbolic, and sometimes past life memories and symbolism are mixed up.
The concept of karma originates in Hinduism and Buddhism, but I am not deeply familiar with these religions, so I will not talk about concept of karma from religious point of view.
I can only talk about my own experiences as a past life regression therapist and a student of spiritual hypnotherapy and PLRT teachers, and a reader of New Age books and channelings. It seems to me that ‘karma as punishment” is overrated, very rarely we get cases when client’s suffering in this life is a punishment for something very bad they did in a past life. Dolores Cannon has a case of a blind woman in one of her books, who saw a past life in regression when she was a cruel king, blinding people for disobedience, so in this life she was born blind as karmic retribution for her cruelty in the past life. There was a case in Michael Newton’s books of client who lost a child to an illness, and this was karmically connected with a past life when she was a wealthy woman in London in 19th century, laughing at poor women with children begging for money and food, and not giving them anything. I personally never had any clients who suffered in this life for a past life bad deeds, and I had clients who were Nazis in past lives, even a Nazi doctor doing horrible experiments on gay men in concentration camps…in this life she is a straight woman who is involved in gay rights activism. It seems that souls can counteract negative karma by doing good deeds, charity, volunteer work in this life - instead of suffering the karmic punishment. More often we have cases of carryovers of illnesses, traumatic situations, depression from past lives into current life. Very typical are stories of past life suicides - they all are depressed in this life and have many painful situations similar to ones in the past life: loss of loved ones, miscarriages, divorces, betrayals, business ruin etc. They are put in similar situations to learn how to overcome grief or difficulty without “bailing out”, and PLRT sessions are very useful for them to overcome their suicidal tendencies. Traumatic situation repeats in each life till we learn the lesson and are able to heal ourselves. Sometimes illness in this life can be chosen by a soul before birth for a reason, which has nothing to do with past lives karma, but to learn to heal themselves and others. These are usually “Healer Souls” who do spiritual or herbal healing or practice medicine in incarnations and in spiritual reality, as Spirit Healers/Medical Guides, and they often incarnate with a certain illness for the sake of experience, to better understand it and learn how to heal it, this is a “wounded healer” pattern. Similar pattern can also apply to mental illness, many psychiatrists or psychologists had past lives as mentally ill people, which gives them deeper insight on the suffering of their clients in this life. We can also get born with disability or illness to provide lessons for other souls who need experience of being caregivers, to learn unconditional love and altruism. When we connect with clients’ Spirit Guides and Higher Self in sessions - we often hear that most of their past lives do not affect their current life, there is no karma to release, except for 1–2 recent past lives which need to be acknowledged and healed, sometimes there are no carryovers at all and clients are taken into possible futures or higher dimensions instead of the past lives. Also there are many Volunteers from other planets and higher dimensional worlds incarnated in the human bodies nowadays, who have no karma whatsoever, as they either had no past lives on Earth at all, or ‘mission” lives, when they came to help humanity, and they can not create any negative karma in these lives. Dolores Cannon talks about them in the book ‘Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth” This week I had 3 clients and all of them came to see me primarily for proffesional orientation. They wanted to know which occupation suits them the best, as they were on crossroads, and wanted to choose the most benificial occupation. Client #1 was an "empty nester", a woman in late 40s whose children are all grown and left for college. She was finnancially comfortable, as her husband had a well paid job, but she felt bored and restless, and looking for a job or business of her own. Client #2 was an 18 year old high school graduate, multi-talented young man, the session was gifted to him by his aunt for his 19th birthday, and both him and his aunt said that he is clueless about what career path to choose. Client #3 was a military man in his late 30s, finishing his contract with the Army, and wondering about future civilian career. All of them were shown past lives, some were related to future carriers, some were related to to their medical issues. But in all these sessions we connected with their Higher Self and Guids and got guidance on their life purpose and most benificial occupations. The Empty Nester was shown past life as a Priestess in Atlantis, where she was working with crystals, and healing people and she was shown that she can use this memory to make jewelry with crystals, which would heal people who wear it, she was shown how to make these items, and how to sell them. The young man saw extraterrestrial past lives, when he was able to communicate with plants and use the energy of the plants to heal people. He also saw a future life, when he is working in a lab with many plants, searching for cure for cancer. He did have a scientific breakthrough, and created a drug, based on plant biochemistry, which cures certain cancers, he watched himself participating in press conference on TV talking about his discovery. The military man was shown a past life life in 16th century France, he studied medicine in Sorbonne, but chose to get a position with the Catholic Church as a record keeper, and assistant to a high ranking cleryman. It was pleasant life, he was an avid reader, a scholar, but he regrestted not becoming a doctor. After he died, I asked his Higher Self if there was another possibility, nother timeline? They shoed him another version of the same life, when he persisted in his studes of medicine, worked in a hospital, and became a teacher to medical students. His Higher Self advised him to become a paramedic - take a class and work as paramedic, and in several years he will become a supervisor and a trainer. He also had another past life as a shaman healer, when he healed with his hands, sending energy into patient's body. Higher Self activated his hands and advised him to start practicing this ability - first with animals, and later with his patients. We also did a bit f future life progression with some of these clients, when they saw details of possible future in this life, when they go on advised professional route. The young man saw the most benificial future when he is combining his artistic abiities, and his knowledge of plants - he was show working in a lab on cure for cancer using plants biochemistry, but also painting as a hobby at home, he had a studio in his house for his artistic endeavors. We did explore a ttimeline when he concentrates on painting - and he was a hungry artist workig in a basement, not being able to sell any paintings, not very happy...so art as carreer was not advised for him, but he was guided to keep it as a hobby.
I have noticed that my clients who have tattoos often visit past lives related to the images on their skin. It seems that subconscious memories of past lives make people choose images which they feel deeply connected with, and when we do a past life regression session - they understand why did they choose their tattoos.
I had a client with a sailboat tattoo on his arm, his occupation or hobbies in this life were not related to sailing, But in a past life he was a seaman in 18th century England, and spend his whole life on sailboats and very much enjoyed the adventures and camaraderie with fellow sailors. A client with Ganesha tattoo (Indian elephant God of good luck) was a temple dancer in Ganesha temple in India in a past life, and Ganesha also showed up as her Spirit Guide, clearing the way for her regression and doing healing for her, he advised her to call upon him any time she needs help and protection, as there was a deep connection between them as she was his devotee and dancer in that life. Another client had a large tattoo with pictures of endangered animals on her arm and part of the body. She loved animals and donated money to endangered species foundation, but her occupation or plans for this life had nothing to do with animal husbandry or rescue. She went into 2 past lives in this session. In the first life she was a woman in California in mid 20th century, who was a professional tennis player, but had a period of bad luck in sport and loosing matches, so she accepted her wealthy boyfriend's proposal of marriage and quit the sport to become housewife and mother. She loved her family but deeply regretted giving up her sport so easily, and when she eventually died from cancer in her 60s, this was a big regret in her 'life review". She made a resolution not to give up on her dreams so easily in future incarnation. In another past life she was a female shaman of a South American tribe in a jungle, she could communicate with animals telepathically and took care of injured animals, and she was also working with Spirit Animals in her shamanic practice. Her Higher Self told her that her plan for this life involved working in an animal sanctuary, she should quit her day job and look for volunteer position in Costa Rica taking care of animals, This was her life plan and she will be able to make a living doing what she loves and live in harmony with nature, and she would also meet her soulmate there. If you are thinking about getting a tattoo - you can use past life regression imagery to design it, or ask your Spirit Guides or Higher Self what kind of a tattoo would be inspirational for you or remind you or a happy past life. As tattoos are permanent - this is a serious decision, and past life regression and communicating with your Guides might be helpful in choosing imagery. If you can afford international travel - you can even go on a trip to the country of happy past life, enjoy the culture and your past life memories, and get a tattoo there. Tattoos have spiritual significance, and can give you protection and good luck, and connection with deities and guardians. I am often asked 'What is the difference between twin flames and soulmates?" I want to write a blog post on this topic, so I can just post a link instead of explaining it every time on each internet forum. Both types of soul-connection play a huge part in our relationships, but they are quite different, very different dynamics and challenges in each of these cases...
SOULMATES Soulmates are 2 or more souls who had many incarnations together in different roles. In one life they can be mother and son, in another - best friends, in another - married couple, in another - worst enemies etc etc These are DIFFERENT SOULS who are very close to each other on spiritual plane and share their 'games of life" in many incarnations. They usually belong to the same SOUL FAMILY (also known as soul group or soul cluster) - a group of souls who hang out together in AFTERLIFE and usually reincarnate as closest characters in each physical life - positive or negative, best friends or family or worst enemies, they challenge each other a lot, and also provide love and support...'Main Cast of Characters" in each of your past lives and this life. Soulmates usually have a lot of KARMA (consequences of actions) together (both good and bad) - as they created all kinds of emotional interactions in past lives, and the 'unfinished business' can carry over into this life. However in AFTERLIFE they are all best buddies, like a troupe of actors who always go to pub after a show and congratulate each other on great play, even if it was a tragedy and they killed each other in the stage...There can be a PRIMARY soulmate for some souls (the soul we incarnate with the most), but for other souls there might be several closest soulmates and no 'one and only" - different for different souls. Even within our closest soul family we might have souls which are closest to us, and others 'in friend zone" with whom we have more of a social connection. When we meet a soulmate - we know right away that we knew this person way before, but we do not remember how...kinda like 'deja vu"...can be 'love from the first sight" or just deep sense of connection. You might have strange dreams and feel high energy around the time when you meet a soulmate or even remember past lives with this person in a dream or a flashback... Relationships between soulmates depend on past life karma and current life plan. We usually pre-plan our meetings and interactions with soulmates before our birth while in the Spirit World. Often these are relationships in the family, long term best friends or romantic/marriage relationships. The beauty of soulmate relationships (if on positive note) is deep feeling of familiarity, intimacy, however these are 2 DIFFERENT SOULS and they need certain boundaries and space for each of them to grow, they are not exactly 'lock and a key" and will always have some tensions and differences between them... they can not truly 'merge" as one, as they are like 2 different songs, which can be put together in a jazz composition, but there are 2 distinctly different melodies which never overlap... TWIN FLAMES Twin flames are a different story. They are ONE SOUL dividing itself into 2 parallel lives, 2 different bodies who are destined to meet and interact with each other. Usually it is highly charged romance, but it also can be mortal combat or creative partnership...I had a client whose soul incarnated in 2 parallel lives of the Native American tribal chief and US Army General during Wold West times, the general killed the chief and all his tribe and then killed himself. He was under orders and did not want to murder Indians, but could not live with himself after the senseless massacre. (and you will not live long if you kill your twin flame anyway as this game is for the same soul to play with ITSELF, so if one physical player exits, the game does not make any sense anymore...) When they reunited in the Afterlife as ONE SOUL, the Soul saw another version of this life - when the general and the chief made a peace treaty and both became best friends and lived happily ever after. The SOUL learned from this experience that in the presence of LOVE positive choices are made and in the lack of love - negative and destructive choices are made...There are many deep lessons in TWIN FLAME EXPERIENCE, as soul learns about self-love, self-forgiveness, seeing other as YOURSELF. The challenges/blessings of Twin Flame relationship are full telepathy, full empathy, the unbreakable bond (soulmates can split , twin flames can not as they are one soul, after death they reunite in one Being) . But because of this oneness, they can go from Eternal Bliss to Hellish Misery in their interactions...as if one is angry - another gets angry, as one is sad - another gets sad, if one is happy - another gets happy etc. there is really no boundary between them. They also usually share Spirit Guide (or Guides) and often get guidance, psychic insights at the same time. The client's name and details of current life has been changed to protect the client's privacy.
Luke came for past life regression session out of curiosity, but he also had a feeling that he lived in New Orleans before, as he had dreams about French Quarter in old days, and eerie feelings about several buildings. He was local, but born and raised in a suburb... it is hard to tell if "deja vu" feelings of a local person are related to a past life - or childhood memories...but it becomes more clear in a session. He had no irrational fears, but had an inner "block" - he wanted to quit his day job for a very long time and become a full time musician, and he could do it realistically as his kids were grown and he got a bit of inheritance from his parents, allowing him to live comfortably without steady income, and he was already playing with several bands on his free time, but there was some deep hesitation, preventing him from following his bliss... When he found himself in a past life - he was standing on the riverbank, looking at sailboats. He immediately recognized that he was in New Orleans in 1800s. He was in a stocky white middle age male body, dressed in leather boots, brown pants and jacket with metal buttons, carrying some papers which looked like inventory lists...He approached one of the docked ships, and was watching the workers unloading the cargo - large square sacks, covered with canvas and tied with ropes. I asked him to have a look under the coverings - and he said it was cotton. The sacks were loaded on horse-drawn carts and taken to a warehouse nearby. He felt that he owned that warehouse, and the cotton was stored there, and later shipped out. I asked him - where will it go, and he said - Virginia and New York, and from there to England (this proved to be historically correct when I googled cotton trading routes after the session). I asked him to go to the place where he lived and see his family at a dinner table - he saw his wife in a yellow long dress and he felt it was the same soul as his wife in this life. (she looked differently, but clients are able to recognize familiar soul energies in past life regression), they had 2 small children. They had black servants serving the dinner. I moved him to an important event - and he was back in his warehouse, very upset. The warehouse was almost empty. Something happened with the cotton crops, the supply was drastically diminished, and his business was failing. In the next scene he was back in his house, hearing screams of his wife behind closed doors, she was having a baby. The child was born healthy, his wife was OK, but he had ambivalent feelings, as he was worried that he would not be able to provide for the growing family.., They had to move to a smaller house and had to live on a very tight budget, He felt very depressed. When I tried to move him to the next scene - he could not see anything, just darkness, which usually means that the past life persona died, so I took him back in time to the last day of his life. He was in a small room with blue walls, and he was very depressed and disoriented. He did not see how he died - but he had a feeling that he killed himself, as he was very upset about loosing his business and not being a good provider. He felt moving away from Earth and saw the Light and entered it. There was no punishment or judgement - just pure Love... I asked the Light to clear all the pain and suffering from that life, and when this was done, and he started feeling light and happy as 'pure energy" - and his deceased mother (from this life) appeared to him, and they had a conversation and embraced. His mom told him that he should quit his day job, and follow his dreams, and she is watching over him as his Guardian Angel. He does not have to worry about being a good provider anymore, he worked hard all his life and raised his kids, and can now enjoy well deserved freedom and develop his musical talent. What caused the long lasting cotton crop failure during Luke's past life? It could be a disease caused by pests, or several very wet years, as excessive rainfall affects cotton crops. There is no historic data on rainfall or pestilence going to 1800s online, but this is very possible scenario, as cotton was one of the main export items in American South in 1800s. Believe it or not - but it is possible to remove obstacles for weight loss with past life regression, if subconscious sabotaging of your slimming efforts is rooted in past life trauma and deep seated belief that being slim and attractive can get you into trouble. Viewing past life scenes and understanding of a limiting belief resulting from these memories can help to let go of this belief and negative programming. I can also add post hypnotic suggestions of enjoying healthy foods and drinking plenty of water (which is very important for shedding pounds) in the end of the session. You still will have to change your eating habits and increase physical activity, but it becomes much easier, and you will be able to achieve lasting weight loss, as the true reason for being overweight will be eliminated in past life regression.
Subconscious desire to hold onto extra weight is often connected with starvation in past lives. Many of us lived through wars or famines or poverty, and died with a last thought "I will never be hungry again" ... Remembering these situations in PLR, and reprogramming the subconscious mind with the idea that "there is plenty of food for every day" helps to let go the desire to stuff yourself with food as it might not be any food tomorrow... Holding onto extra weight can also be connected with rape or sexual assault in past life, this is especially true for women, as it only carries out into female lives (so far I have not have any male clients with this issue) . I had a female client who was a street portrait artist in 19 century London, very skinny teenage girl, and she was raped by a drunk man returning home after dark...she survived, and eventually happily married and had kids, but she was holding onto the memory of that rape, especially her feeling "I am so small and skinny, I can not fight him". In this life her holding onto the extra weight was associated with being strong and big, and able to protect herself. Another client was a Native American maiden, living happy life with her tribe, and they were attacked by white people, who killed everybody, except for beautiful women and they were gang raped, and later killed. She was holding onto belief "Beauty leads to suffering" as if she were not attractive in that life, her death would be more quick and painless.. (You do not experience any physical sensations during past life regression, so even if the rape scene is experienced, clients cry and feel emotions, but no physical pain, and it is good to cry during PLR as it helps to release pent up emotions) There are some very unusual past life situations related to weight gain sometimes...I worked with a female client who was quite large in this life - but in a past life she was a pretty and slim Southern Belle in 18th century Alabama, who loved to write poetry, and was very well read, but her father did not take her intelligence seriously and was quite harsh about her desire to participate in male conversations about politics or science, telling her something like "Occupy yourself with hair and clothes, this is more appropriate for a pretty girl" She rebelled against her father and cut her golden locks, and refused to participate in balls and eventually never married and died a spinster. Her limiting belief was "Being slim and pretty leads to being misunderstood and patronized by men". I can also lead you into "motivational lives" to inspire you to be more physical active and discover hidden talents and abilities in sports, dancing, hiking, swimming in past lives and to find out what kind of physical activity would be the most enjoyable for you. In one of my own sessions as a client when I wanted to see a life related to my weight issues, I was shown a life of a temple dancer in Ancient Ceylon, who was incredibly fit and flexible, and had fantastic posture. In one of the scenes she was standing in the King's garden with her hands on the back of a pet tiger - and I was just amazed by the way she carried her body and the energy flowing through her spine, and connection with tiger energy - I started using this scene for visualization after the session: imagining myself standing totally straight with my hands on tiger's back helped me to control my posture and energy flow. I was also shown swimming to safety during a flood, as her physical fitness and swimming skill saved her life. After that session I started using every opportunity to go dancing, and also paid attention to my posture and energy flow, this past life also helped me to change my body image. I lost about 20 lbs in 2 months after that session without any major changes in diet - just by going out more and dancing alone at home in front of a mirror... If you struggle to loose weight and no matter what diet you use - you always gain it back, and just feel stuck in overweight body, you might consider doing past life regression session and discover the true subconscious reasons for being overweight and the best ways for you to go about food and physical activities. The session will satisfy your curiosity about your past lives and will also remove subconscious obstacles for achieving fitness, and new motivation to create slim healthy body for yourself. |
Irina "Nola" Filatova
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